Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kardashian split, Miley Cyrus, and my nipples!

Telling it like it is...

So as I'm drinking my morning coffee and catching up on my daily celebrity news, I find out that Kris and Bruce Jenner are living separately.  I very rarely catch KUWTK although I love Khloe and Kourtney.  However as I'm taking a big gulp of coffee, I'm stricken with this thought, "Did he ask for his balls back before he moved out or will they be mailed to him at a later date?" 

(I've included a pic in case Bruce forgot what they look like...)
I haven't heard a thing about Miley Cyrus!  Wahoo!  If you dislike her so much, stop falling into her trap and talking about her.  And if you must talk about her, please ask what color of red the lipstick is because I want it like her tongue wants to find a new home (I can only imagine since it's constantly trying to escape).

(Best VMA meme EVER!!!)

As a mom to a newborn, I wanted to give breastfeeding another go.  I tried with my first daughter and it killed me that she wouldn't latch and I gave up almost immediately.  Now, my new daughter is thriving on breast milk, latching (with the help of a nipple shield), and keeping me up at all hours of the night.  But my nipples are killing me!  And when I say killing me, maybe I should be more specific.  It feels as if someone has skewered my nipple with a meat hook, grabbed hold of one end and jumped off the Empire State building.  
The latch is fine but feeding every 20 minutes is not...so I went to the store and bought these.

I bought these at Target and put them on.  Holy Mother of all that is Chocolate and good in the world!  Instant relief!  I'm talking on par with orgasmic release (not that I'd remember).  Now nothing is rubbing on my nips and I read that you can refrigerate them to make it feel even better.  Couple this with my Medela lanolin and my nips should be feeling better in no time.  ;)

Now if only I could get to sleep....

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