Sunday, November 3, 2013

Regaining control of my weight....

As of yesterday, my new baby is six weeks old.  Six weeks ago, I was sitting in the hospital wondering what the hell I was going to do!  Six weeks ago, I was wondering what my mattress was going to smell like after my water broke all over it (and I do mean FLOODED).

As of today, I need to regain control of my weight.

Eighteen months before I got pregnant, I began my journey to lose weight.  Yes, I wanted to look good.  Yes, I wanted to buy new clothes.  But most importantly, I want to live. 

As of 2010, my weight had ballooned out of control.  I was the largest I had ever been.  Six pounds away from the weight of 300.  300!  I was depressed when I moved past 200.  The read out of 300 was a wake up call.  I began thinking of heart troubles, body aches/pains, etc.  Then, I looked at my daughter and thought the one thing I was terrified of.  Death.  I have a child.  My irresponsible habits were slowly killing me.  I couldn't and still can't imagine my life without my daughter.  If I feel that way, I know she would not have been able to comprehend life without me.

So, I put my foot down.  Literally.  I bought an elliptical machine.  I lost 10 pounds.  I joined a gym.  I lost 10 more pounds.  I bought Insanity.  I lost 5 more pounds.  I started walking with my daughter and lost more weight.

All the while, I changed my eating habits.  I ate more fresh vegetables and fruit.  I cooked more at home.  I stopped eating school lunch (I'll do a separate blog about this).  But most importantly I joined Weight Watchers and learned how to eat.

Now, the question is:  How do I get my determination back?

Well, like many Americans, I'm broke as a joke.  (insert sad face)  I can't afford the gym, Weight Watchers, or the extra gas it took to get there.  So, I am going to use the resources I have.

Resource #1:
I found this website prior to joining WW.  This will allow me to still count points (I still have all of my WW stuff...I mean I paid for it so why not use it??) and make healthier choices.  This is tech-y type version of a food diary and there is also an app for your phone.

Resource #2:  My shoes
My pregnancy overlapped with Jessica Simpson's and Kim Kardashian's very public pregnancy through which they were skewered by the press for their body types.  Even when you saw them trying to work out and have a healthy pregnancy, someone had something negative to say.  While the thought terrifies me, I need to get out and start walking again.  I can't be afraid of what people will think when they see me out walking.  I can't just sit on my ass and breastfeed and hope the weight falls off...cause it's not going to.  I need to get out and get active.  Besides, walking is free.  And I need as much free as I can get in my life.

Resource #3: Insanity
As crazy as it is, I actually liked the Insanity workouts.  They are hard core and as much as I cussed Shaun T. out, it worked. 

I am currently 11 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight of 247.  I started my pregnant journey after losing 47 pounds.  I would love to end the year at where I started so that's what I'm going to do.  After all, my babies are worth the sacrifice. :)

Follow me on Twitter for more mouth diarrhea @JackieMichele

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