Sunday, October 6, 2013

And a baby makes three!

So for the last seven months, I have been engaged in the most horrific pregnancy.  From the morning sickness to the fatigue to the back aches...and when I complained to my doctor about he reminded me that I'm not 24 any.  Gee...thanks doc!

However, on September 21, 2013, I was beyond blessed with my second daughter.  Siobhan Catherine made her way into this world like a bullet out of a gun (I won't mention what she did to my nether regions because quite frankly I'm still to afraid to look). 

My surprise has enlarged my heart and made me feel so blessed.  Over the past few months, her father and I have had serious issues (the ones I said would come up when he first started pursuing me) and whether he is here or not, I have been blessed with two beautiful girls.  I never expected my duo to expand to a trio, but I'll take it!

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