Thursday, October 10, 2013

Throwback Thursday - Totally Disgusting

July 7, 2007's the deal.  Everyone poops.  Yessire Bob.  And this is yet another blog about poop and my beloved daughter.  So if you are easily grossed out, stop reading.

For the past week, Dori has been having issues pooping.  She's been giving me her daily quota and then some.  I'm actually worried that pretty so there won't be any left and then what?

Well, she's been filling her diapers so efficiently I just let her poop it out on the potty.  It's easier clean up and I don't have to throw her in the shower...usually. 

So this goes to show the true innocence of our children.  Adults know where poop comes from.  If you are an adult and you don't know where your poop comes from, well...your parents failed you miserably and I suggest you take a mirror with you to the bathroom next time for a close up look.  Or you could Google it.

Babies don't know a whole lot about their bodily functions.  And poor little Dori didn't know where her poops and toots came from.  And even now I'm not sure if she knows she's making the toots and not the toilet.

Anyway, this afternoon, Dori had another explosive poop.  So I sat her little butt the potty and waited.  All of a sudden this thunderous toot erupted from her butt.  She looked at me, I looked at her, and then (God bless her) she spread her legs and looked inside the potty.  For the next five minutes, she proceeded to watch herself poop with so much interest I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.  I love watching her discover new things.

Totally funny in my world....completely disgusting to those who don't have kids.

 Edible body parts...Gosh I love left over Halloween candy!

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